Wednesday 2 April 2014

How to view system parameter with SE38

Alternative solution to view system parameter instead of using TCODE: RZ11

Insufficient permission to access RZ11

** Assumption of the user with the proper authorization on TCODE: SE38

1) Execute TCODE: SE38 -> Enter "rsparam" in the program textbox -> Click the "Execute" button.

 2) With the default option, click the "Execute" button again

3) Example of the parameter screen generated.

4) Use the search capability to find the relevant parameter.

5) Double click on the relevant parameter name to view the details

Tuesday 1 April 2014

How to use Parameter IDs (PIDs)

How to use Parameters ID to:

1) Enhance users experience
2) Maintaining users favourites input that will save time and reduce the number of errors


1) Example of setting as default value for the user text box in "SU01"

2) To find the PID, with the cursor in the relevant field -> press "F1" to launch the "Performance Assistant" screen -> Click the "Technical Information" button

3) Copy the content of the Parameter ID

4) Enter edit mode of Maintain User of (SU01) for the specific user -> "Parameters" tab -> Paste the PID and enter the default value to be display  in the "Parameter value"

5) When user access to the specific TCODE

6) The user textbox will contains the default value configure earlier