Thursday 11 December 2014

SAP GUI connection to SAP system in cloud without using SAPRouter

Alternative solution to access SAP system that install in the Cloud VM without using SAPRouter.

1) Getting connection error while trying to connect to the SAP system located in the cloud.

Example of Microsoft Azure Cloud: 

1) Enable the port:3200 on the endpoint page.

2) Add the outbound and inbound rules in VM firewall.

3) Retry the SAP GUI login, it should be fine by now.

Additional Info on ports used:

(Refer from: SDN page)

Sunday 7 December 2014

Resolve Oracle SQLPlus Login Error

When trying login to Oracle database encounter error: ORA-12560.

Method 1: Ensure Environment Variables: "ORACLE_SID" been set correctly.

Method 2: Ensure Oracle Service and Listener are running.
(OracleServiceSID and OracleSID11203TNSListener)
If the services already started, restart the services and retry the login again.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

How to resolve missing TR files during transportation

Administrator encounter error during transporting of TR where the files been deleted or remove due to various reason (ex: files been deleted during system house-keeping)


1) Sample error occur during transport.

2) Transport details.

3) Further details on the transport error.


1) Example of using HP Data Protector to restore the missing TR files.
    The TR files locate in: "/usr/sap/trans/cofiles" and "/usr/sap/trans/data"

2) Restore the required "cofiles" files.

4) restore the required "data" files.

5) Once the required files been restore, ensure the correct "owner and group" properties be configure.
     - /usr/sap/trans/cofiles
     - chown prdadm/qasadm *.DEV
     - chgrp sapsys *.DEV

6) Perform the same configuration on "owner and group" for data files.
     - /usr/sap/trans/data

7) Redo the transport and it should be working by now...