Thursday 6 June 2013

Creating Transport Request for Roles (DEV -> QAS -> PRD)

Create the transport request -TR

Step 1: In "PFCG", verify the “Role” name that will be use to create the transport package (TR) is correct and click the “Transport” icon

Step 2: Click “Execute” button

Step 3: Click the “Correct” button

Step 4: Click the “Personalization” (default) button

Step 5: Click the “Create New Transport” button

Step 6: Enter short description and click “Save” button

Step 7: Click the “correct” button to begin creation of the new transport package

Step 8: Observe the new transport package been created

Step 9: TCODE: SE10 to check and verify whether the package is ready to be release

Step 10: Click “Display” button to view TR created previously

Step 11: Verify whether the package been added correctly

Step 12: Do the same process to attach more new role into the same transport package as show on the screen above.

Release The Created Transport Package Into QAS

Step 1: In "SE10", click and select the package need to release and click the “Release Directly” button (child node)

Step 2: The child package been released as shown below.

Step 3: Continue to release the parent package by select the parent node and click “Release Directly” button (Ignore the error) and Click “OK”.
     - Wait until the release is complete

Step 4: TCODE: "STMS" to begin releasing the TR into QAS, click “Import Overview” button

Step 5:  Double click “QAS”

Step 6: Select the “released role” on bottom and click “Import Release” button

Step 7: Enter the target client and click the tick option

Step 8: Enter the QAS Client: number and login details. Click “Correct” icon

Step 9: Click “OK” and wait until the import success screen pop-up.

**Once UAT in QAS is ready, use the same steps above to import the TR into PRD


  1. Thanks ......
    It's really helpfull.

  2. Thank You, my doubt is totally cleared.

  3. Can we transport composite roles and derived roles too or just single roles

  4. Yes, you can create transport with composite roles and all the singles roles that attached to it will be included as well.
