Sunday 23 June 2013

User Management with CUA: Create New User and Locked User

With CUA, user management on multiple SAP systems and clients can be perform from a single source easily without the need to manage user account individually in each of the systems and clients itself.

Create new user:

1) Login to the CUA client, execute TCODE: SU01, enter the new user ID to be create and Click the "New" button

2) On the "Address" tab, enter the relevant information (title, last name, function, department, telephone, extension, e-mail)

3) On the "Logon data" tab, click the “magic” button to create random password and select the “valid from” as create date and “valid through” as unlimited date

4) On the "Systems" tab, select or enter the systems/clients to be access by the user and click “Save” button

5) The steps below can be perform either with CUA or within the individual clients. Sample below will shown the user settings be done in particular clients. Login with the User ID just created in CUA on particular clients. (Steps below assume the new user settings are to be copy from another existing user)

6) Execute "SU01" with the newly created user and in the “Default” tab, set the details same as the source user

7) On "Logon" tab, reset the password or click the “magic” button to create random password for particular client. (this will overwrite the password set from CUA)

8) Execute a new "SU01" session and display the user settings to be copy into the new user. Ex: parameters details.

9) Select “Parameters” and copy all the parameters to be paste into the new user

10) Paste the parameter details into the new user "Parameter" tab

11) In the“Roles” tab copy all the roles from source user into the new user as well and click "Save" button

12) Here you go the sample of creating a new user by using the CUA and continue of the new user configuration with the individual client itself.

Locked / suspend unwanted user:

1) Login to the CUA client.

2) Execute TCODE: SU01

3) Enter the user to be terminate and select the "Systems" tab and highlighted the client that need to be locked

4) Select "Logon data" tab,  change the valid date to yesterday date to expired the account and click the "Save" button

5) Click the "lock" button to locked down the account as well

6) Click the “Global” locked button to lock all the SAP clients

7) Wait for the message to be prompt.

8) Verify the user in different systems and clients whether all of it been locked


  1. hi

    can you send me the notes about what is putty is and how we work in lniux

    1. you can refer to this site:
